11 January 2010

Chapter 6: Use of Bonding

Here at the fabric & crafts supply store, Otsukaya, they had a kind of white fabric that has glue on one side. There's no paper to peel off though. They use it, for example, to draw numbers on with permanent markers and then iron those on T-shirts for students who are in relays or other sports events at school.

The store did not sell "Bondaweb", although I did find a bottle of glue that you spread on and then can iron, as well as the powder form of an iron-on glue.

I made a sample piece with a couple of fold-and-cut star designs, one red and one blue. For the red piece, I tried using various oil pastels in the color scheme to outline/fill in in the negative space around a cutout star pattern.

For the blue piece, I colored on the non-glue side of the fabric.

6-1 First bonding attempt (10x10cm)

I used the spreadable glue to attach the red piece to the background, and the blue piece had the glue already on the back. After ironing, the two pieces are now bonded together. (image 6-1)

Then, using the red material in the background in sample 6-1, I made a 6-pt star, added bits of the red fabric, painted tissue paper, threads (variegated red, metallic blue & orange), and covered with the gold glass fiber fabric. The base was the white fabric mentioned above with the glue side up so everything stuck together after ironing (image 6-2).

6-2 larger sample (20x20cm)

Another sample (image 6-3) using a blue fabric cutout in the Ninja star shape, bit of various threads and material. Had some problems with this piece because I probably had the iron too hot and either the blue mesh on top shrank or the white base fabric (with one glue side) puckered from the heat. There is some evidence of this in sample 6-2 above as well, so try, try again.

6-3 larger sample (20x20cm)

Then, after reading through the course book instructions again, I realized that it says to color the glue side of the fabric. Oh.

Learning point: Read the directions carefully. 

So, I tried that. Painted one 10x10cm piece with a bluish paint, but it was too thin and did not cover the fabric completely. Added small bits of threads and tiny stars cut from earlier colored papers and origami paper. Covered with a turquoise sheer fabric that has a sheen to it. When I ironed it (at a lower temperature ;-), the glue stuck in the places where there was no paint. Had to go back and add a bit of the powder glue on the painted areas. (image 6-4)

6-4 small sample (10x10cm)

Painted another 10x10cm piece (image 6-5) on the glue side with reds and reddish-orange, this time thicker paint so it covered all of the glued side. Added the same bits as in 6-4, and when I ironed this sample, none of it stuck to the top blue mesh. So, sprinkled powdered glue all over and ironed again. Wonder how these two pieces will work when cut into other shapes...

6-5 small sample (10x10cm)

Finally,  I tried one more piece of a blue background fabric, bits of metallic threads, pieces of red fabric left over from earlier cutouts, and colored tissue papers, etc. Covered with the glass fiber material. (image 6-6)

6-6 larger sample (20x20cm)

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10 January 2010

Chapter 5: Fabric Selection and Decoration

Happy 2010!

On to Chapter 5.

[Entry from 10 Dec 2009]
Ironed several pieces of fabric to practice printing on. Made another stamp from negative space of the 8-pt star. Printed several fabric samples and left to dry. The colors didn't really come through very well. Not sure if it was the paint or the fabric.

5.1 printed fabric pieces
The course guide says to choose a range of fabrics. To tell the truth, I know nothing about fabric. I can differentiate between a plaint cotton and something like velvet, but I have no idea what "organza" is (nor did the people at the fabric store - the closest they came was O-GAN-JI = "organdy"? - is that the same thing?) Oh, well. Forge ahead. I just looked for fun fabrics, not knowing what they were made of. One said it was made of glass fibers. It looked cool, so I bought some of that.

5.2 Top fabric: glass fiber (gold)

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