16 May 2010

Module 2 - Chapter 1: The Study of Tone

Using short strips of white paper, applied black ink with various materials I had handy...


1.1 top: shredded cardboard, second row: felt marker, 3rd: stiff card, bottom: bubble wrap


1.2 top: crumpled copy machine master paper, second row: porous sponge, third: black pastel rubbing of wicker basket: bottom: magazine photo


1.3 top: hole punch (this hole punch makes holes in the shape of a quarter note. I used the punched out notes as the "paint" for the top sample).

1.3 middle is a black sheet of paper with white paper pieces on the left, pieces of copy machine master paper next, white pastel and white correction tape, white pastel

1.3 bottom is a white sketchbook piece of card with black ink at left, next are pieces of the black strip that runs at the end of the copy machine master paper, then a photocopied photo, then a base of watercolor black which turned out too dark, so I cut out cartoon faces for this strip along the center, next to that is the black watercolor background with the word "meow" photocopied and cut out, glued on to lighten that strip of the card, next is Fabrico black fabric ink, next is a 1.0 felt marker, and finally pencil.

In the bottom sample, it was interesting that if a section was too dark, it was possible to lighten it by placing slightly lighter pieces on top (in this case, the comic book faces). This let some of the darker background through, but helped to lighten that section just a bit. Looking at it now, I think it could have been even lighter, and overall, the transition seems to go from dark to midway, to darker again, then midway and on to light and lightest.

Module 2 - Introduction

Welcome to Module 2 :-)

The following photos (intro 1 & 2) were taken from the National Geographic web site:

intro 1               intro 2

Wrote a list of words that describe each pattern/animal. Using the lists interpreted them using various implements (corrugated paper, crumpled plastic, crumpled paper, etc.) and black acrylic paint. (intro 3) Top (boa constrictor): salty, strong, bumpy, undulating, hard, rhythmic, orderly, lonely.  Bottom (web): tender, slight, anticipation, durable, springy, territory, guarded.

intro 3