22 September 2010

Chapter 2 - Tonal Columns

Finally getting time to upload Chapter 2, which I finished back in June but never uploaded.


2.1 Tonal column in stitchery

(13 May) 
Using 10-ct needlepoint canvas, made a gradation, black to white, with cross stitch (2.1 above). It came out okay. I think I could have added more white to the black to make the transition to gray in the center section. As with the previous chapter, planning ahead isn't always easy... getting a smooth transition is tricky. I assume that 1) you can go back over it afterwards and add threads, and 2) you get better with practice ;-)


2.2 Tonal effects - Blackwork on paper 
(click on image to enlarge)

(23 May) 
Using graph paper (2.2 above) played with two directions, 1) taking away lines and 2) adding lines. Both are interesting to work with. The more you play with them, the more patterns you can see and develop. There seems to be no end to the possibilities of shape/line combinations. This would be fun to do on the subway to work in the morning!

2.3 Blackwork tonal columns

(11 Jun) 
These samples (B1, 2, 3, in image 2.3 above) were a lot of fun to do.

B1 uses pattern development to gradually increase darkness of the tone.
B2 uses spacing of the stitches.
B3 uses thickness of thread.

B1 should have been a bit better planned. It seems to jump suddenly from the lighter tone at the left to the second, darker one with not enough contrast between the second and third sections. Fewer lines would have been better between the first and section patterns.

B2 Spacing is off. It doesn't give a smooth transition (good to remember when a smooth transition isn't what you want... do it this way ;-)

B3 This one turned out best of all, in my opinion. The lighter threads, a simple pattern, a fairly even transition, produced quite a good sample.

+ - + - + - + - + - + - +
= | = | = | = | = | = | = | =
+ - + - + - + - + - + - +
= | = | = | = | = | = | = | =
(uh-oh, now seeing these patterns everywhere ;-)

Total time Chapter 2: 22 hours

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